Casal perde juntos 178 quilos, sem cirurgia, e compartilha uma dica de ouro

Essa mudança toda aconteceu em apenas UM ano!

Stael Ferreira Pedrosa

“Nós não tínhamos um plano de alimentação, não fizemos cirurgia, não contratamos um personal trainer, mas tínhamos um ao outro”.

Em 2015 Lexi e Danny Reed se casaram. A feliz noiva estava linda em seus 220 kg e o marido com 127. Eles adoravam sair juntos para comer e ainda levar comida para casa. Seus pratos favoritos eram frituras, refrigerantes e doces.

Mas esses hábitos pouco saudáveis significariam problemas de saúde em pouco tempo e foi quando perceberam que precisavam mudar. Então, no Ano Novo de 2016, o casal tomou a resolução de perder peso e, de lá para cá sofreram uma transformação dramática.


A dupla registrou toda a sua trajetória nesses 18 meses no Instagram e são seguidos por mais de 500.000 pessoas de olho em sua rotina que tem servido de inspiração a muitos que enfrentam o mesmo problema.

#transformationtuesday -305lbs? naturally with diet/exercise since I set a New Years Resolution 1/1/16. No meal plan, surgery, personal trainer, pills, or anything like that. If you're new to my journey my name is Lexi & at 25 years old I was fedup with the life I was living. I was 25 years old, 485lbs, and I had a BMI of 78. My weight held me back from many things such as riding rollercoasters, traveling on airplanes, hiking, riding a bike, fitting comfortably in booths, movie theater seats, my own car, walking any distance, climbing stairs, sitting in certain furniture without fearing it may break, any activity with a weight limit, and even putting my shoes on could be a chore. I had to think about my size before planning so many normal daily activities that it was mentally exhausting. I was a prisoner in my own body and I longed to break free. I knew to break out of my prison I had to change my lifestyle and stop talking about losing weight or I was on my way to an early funeral. I started counting calories, learning daily, taking the foods I loved and making healthier versions, working out on the elliptical for 30 mins 5x a week, meal prepping, and focusing on small healthy changes daily. All those changes added up and before I knew it I had lost 305lbs. Dont wait for the New Year like I did to break free from your prison – start today! ——————————————————————————— Fedup & ready to start 2018 fighting back for your health? Next dietbet starts 1/7/18! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, @realgoodpizza @proteinmilkshake, & get paid! Link in bio or #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #swolemate #dietbet #diet #plussize #fitspo #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss

A post shared by Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) on

Lexi, de 27 anos, e Danny, de 28, moram no estado de Indiana, nos Estados Unidos e, segundo seu relato, em 18 meses ela perdeu 140 kg e Danny 38. Juntos, perderam quase 180 kg “sem cirurgia e sem personal trainer”, dizem os orgulhosos pombinhos. “Nós tínhamos um ao outro e motivação suficiente para perseverar a cada dia”, escreveu Lexi no seu Instagram fatgirlfedup, que pode ser traduzida como “garota gorda farta” e também um trocadilho com as palavras fed (alimentado, cheio) e up (para cima). Além da questão estética, a maior motivação de Lexi é que ela deseja ter filhos e uma longa e saudável vida ao lado de seu marido.

#transformationtuesday -394lbs ? combined since we made a New Years Resolution to lose weight together 01/01/16! When I met @discoveringdanny at 16 years old I weighed 300+lbs. Hes never known me as less than a size 22W until now. He has never treated me like my size or asked me to change. He doesnt make me feel any less worthy at 179lbs than he did at 485lbs. We met at a local coffee shop where we were both seeing a local band and I immediately jokingly told my bestfriend I was going to get his phone number. I had never had a real boyfriend and I never expected for him to be so interested in me due to my size. I never imagined 10 years later how different life would be from that moment and how we would take on the world together. Losing weight is hard but even harder when the ones you love dont support you. We deserve someone that loves us and makes us greater due to that love. Even if we must be that person and fall in love with taking care of ourselves. Dont wait for the New Year to change your life like we did – start today! ——————————————————————————— Fedup & ready to start 2018 fighting back for your health? Next dietbet starts 1/7/18! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, @realgoodfoods @proteinmilkshake, & get paid! Link in bio or #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #swolemate #dietbet #diet #plussize #fitspo #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss


A post shared by Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) on

A mudança

O casal relata que consumiam cerca de 8.000 calorias por dia, geralmente com fast food. Agora tudo mudou, eles cozinham em casa e malham de cinco a seis vezes por semana. Tanto esforço fez com que em 1 ano já tivessem perdido cerca da metade da perda total. “Nós já perdemos 178 quilos juntos desde que começamos a nossa resolução de Ano Novo em 1º de janeiro de 2016”. Atualmente, com 80 quilos, Lexi compartilha fotos do “antes e depois” com o marido e estão irreconhecíveis.

#motivationmonday -305lbs ? since 1/1/16! At 25 years old & 485lbs I had hit my rockbottom. I was tired all the time, out of breath, my joints hurt, and my weight held me back from all the things I enjoyed. I was a prisoner in my own body and longed to break out of my prison. I knew that if I didnt take control of my health I may not live to see my 30th birthday and I would die at a young age. I knew that if I didnt take control of my health I would end up with conditions that came along with obesity such as diabetes, heart disease, or even sleep apnea – if I didnt already have those conditions. I knew if I didnt take control of my health and fight back my life would never magically change. I knew I was in charge of saving my life & changing my future. So I stood up and I fought one hell of a battle to win the war. There is no magic pill to change your life and you are in control of your future. Don't wait until the New Year to change your life – start today! ——————————————————————————— Fedup & ready to start 2018 fighting back for your health? Next dietbet starts 1/7/18! I joined my first dietbet in January 2016 when I started my journey & it helped me change my life! Time to change yours too & make those resolutions stick! Lose weight, share tips/recipes, giveaways including fedup tees, @realgoodfoods @proteinmilkshake, & get paid! Link in bio or #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit #swolemate #dietbet #diet #plussize #fitspo #countingcalories #motivation #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss

A post shared by Lexiiii ❤ (@fatgirlfedup) on

Eles contam que estavam cansados de passar a noite no sofá assistindo Netflix e comendo. “Foi quando um amigo nos fez o desafio de passar 30 dias sem comer fora, sem trapacear nas refeições, sem bebidas alcoólicas ou refrigerantes, e malhar 30 minutos cinco vezes por semana. Aceitamos o desafio e neste primeiro mês a nossa vida mudou”, registrou Lexi em seu Instagram.


“Não era uma dieta, era uma mudança de vida. Focamos nos pequenos hábitos e conseguimos grandes resultados. Vivemos um dia de cada vez sem expectativas. Deixamos de comer fora e passamos a preparar nossas refeições mudando as receitas para que se tornassem saudáveis”. Tudo isso nos aproximou ainda mais.

E seu conselho para aqueles que ainda não tomaram a resolução é simples: “Não espere até o Ano Novo para mudar de vida como nós, comece hoje mesmo!”. Simples assim.

Toma un momento para compartir ...

Stael Ferreira Pedrosa

Stael Ferreira Pedrosa é pedagoga, escritora free-lancer, tradutora, desenhista e artesã, ama literatura clássica brasileira e filmes de ficção científica. É mãe de dois filhos que ela considera serem a sua vida.